booking Centro de Turismo Rural-Valle de Ancares ، 3 * Excellent in Pereda de Ancares
Centro de Turismo Rural-Valle de Ancares
User profile Centro de Turismo Rural-Valle de Ancares
Location :Located in Pereda de Ancares, this rural hotel is ideal for nature lovers and those seeking peace and quiet.
Facilities :The friendly staff at the reception desk are happy to answer any questions. Wireless internet access is provided in public areas. A garden provides extra space for rest and relaxation in the open air.
Rooms :Rooms include a double bed. A TV and WiFi ensure optimal comfort. A hairdryer is provided in the bathrooms.
Sports/Entertainment :Fine weather can be enjoyed on the terrace.
Meals :Culinary offerings include a restaurant. A continental breakfast guarantees a great start to the day.
Las Cancelas 4, 24433 Pereda de Ancares
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Useful information about Centro de Turismo Rural-Valle de Ancares
Checkin :
2 PM
Checkout :
12 AM
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