booking Hotel and Spa Bellavista Francischiello ، 3 * Excellent in Massalubrense
Hotel and Spa Bellavista Francischiello
User profile Hotel and Spa Bellavista Francischiello
Location :This hotel is located in Massa Lubrense. The nearest airport is Neapel (NAP).
Facilities :Guests can enjoy the pleasant ambience of one of the 32 rooms. To ensure a comfortable and relaxing stay, the hotel provides room service.
Rooms :Accommodation includes a range of amenities as standard. Rooms are equipped with air conditioning. A balcony or terrace is among the standard features of some rooms. Guests may securely store their valuables in a safe.
Sports/Entertainment :A wellness area with a spa is available at the hotel.
Meals :Dining facilities include a dining room and a bar.
Via Partenope 26, 80061 Massa Lubrense, Napoli
Search in Massalubrense hotels
Useful information about Hotel and Spa Bellavista Francischiello
Checkin :
2 PM
Checkout :
12 AM
All 88%
Business 0%
Couple 87%
Family 83%
Solo 0%
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